Bike Safety in North Carolina

NC Bike Accidents 1997-2012

Use the buttons on the right to toggle the chart.

Source: NCDOT

Timeline of Legislation

Source: NCDOT

Geography of Accidents and Fatalities, 1997-2012

This map displays the location of NC bike accidents (aggregated by municipality) between 1997 and 2012 in relation to the location of the state's designated bike routes. Use the "Visible Layers" button within the map to toggle the bikepath shapefile on and off to get a clearer view of the data. Use the red and orange tabs at the top to explore total accidents and fatal accidents. Is there any relation between the existance of bike routes and accidents? What about bike routes and fatatlities?

Source: and NCDOT

For more bike crash data, or to search for data by city, check out NCDOT's Crash Data Tool.